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SKA Homes

4.6 ( 5456 ratings )
Verktyg Sociala nätverk
Utvecklare: SKA Community SDN BHD (1136677-K)


SKA HOMES is Malaysias Top Community App, built by SKA Community Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian founded company to focused on providing Digital Management Solution to the world.

SKA HOMES and its platform aims to bring Serenity.Knowledge.Achievement into all condo & community, ultimately achieving Easy and Quality Living.

"All condos and communities will be benefited from this comprehensive App, with constant Update & Upgrade of features, addressing all condo management issues by us." --(Quoted by SKA Community Chairman.)

SKA HOMES (Serenity.Knowledge.Achievement)
What is SKA?

SKA HOMESs SERENITY, bring to your community trouble-less dealing with your community management team. In fact, its simplified the process for residence to engage the condo management using Community App with systematic problem shooting mechanism.

SKA HOMESs KNOWLEDGE, bringing knowledge into your community via NEWS, educating and updating your residence what is happening around the community, and latest info/regulations in the town.

SKA HOMESs ACHIEVEMENT, we know with less problems and worries where you can resolve using SKA HOMES, you can achieve a great balance in both Career and Lifestyle!
No more hassle going back to your condo on busy working hour! Get instant notification when there is emergency from your management!
You are not only improving your own lifestyle, you are helping your community manager to become a professional one using system, and so, your community manager and you can live a great life altogether.

Lets start NOW! Be the FIRST! Call or email us TODAY! We will bring you to the Digital Management ERA and become ACHIEVER together!

here is the number for you to contact:
Tel: 603-9130 5371
e-mail: [email protected]

SKA Community Sdn Bhd.
Vision: Providing Digital Management Solution to the World!
Mission: We fix your problem with Digital Solution!

©2019 SKA Community Sdn Bhd.